aku dapet gambarnya dari devianart ya :)
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
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Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (2)
Liat dijudul, pasti udah tau kan aku mau cerita apa? Yaps, SUNGHA JUNG. Seorang fingerstyle guitarist asal korea yang unyu nan imut nan keren nan ndewa ituloooooooh..
Sebenernya baru akhir-akhir ini suka sama Sungha Jung.. Maklumlah saya orangnya gak uptodate -____-
Nah ini aku kasih videonya yaa....
Seongha biasanya memakan waktu tiga hari untuk belajar dan berlatih lagu baru, dan video-rekam untuk meng-upload ke YouTube. pemilihan genre nya agak luas, saat ia belajar dan memainkan banyak lagu yang dimainkan pada gitar, sehingga akibatnya tersebar di berbagai genre.
Seongha telah memenangkan 13 penghargaan di YouTube, termasuk 6 "# 1" penghargaan. Juga di YouTube, Seongha memiliki 38 video dengan lebih dari satu juta tampilan. Video Seongha dengan pandangan yang paling adalah "Pirates Of The Caribbean", di 13018898 dilihat sebagai tanggal 8 Januari 2010.
Orang Tua Sungha bukan musisi, ayahnya hanya pegawai di salah satu perusahaan Korea dan bermain gitar hanyalah sebuah hobi bagi ayah Sungha. Pada tahun 2007 Sungha mengambil pelajaran bermain gitar klasik selama 50 jam atau sekitar 1 1/2 hari. Baru-baru ini dia belajar bermain drum selama 4 bulan dan piano jazz selama 3 bulan (ini gue mlongo loh bacanya-__-).
Karena Sungha Jung adalah siswa sekolah seperti saya jadi dia tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk latihan bermain gitar, biasanya dia latihan selama 2 jam per hari.
Orang tua Sungha Jung tak pernah memaksa anaknya untuk bermain gitar, karena bermain gitar membuat Sungha jadi enjoy tentu saja orang tuanya tidak memaksa Sungha. Ayah Sungha hanya merekam Sungha ketika dia sedang bermain gitar.
Kebanyakan Sungha Jung bermain gitar tanpa melihat lembaran musik dan hanya melihat dari video. Ia kadang-kadang melihat lembaran musik jika ada, namun sekitar 90% dari video yang diupload telah dimainkannya tanpa melihat lembaran musik (Spektakular banget kan? Kalo kata anak X3 mah AMAZING huahahaha).
KEREN GEWLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... Dia belajar otodidak meeeeeeeen!!!!! Otodidak aja udah sekeren itu, gimana lebih? Nah ini aku kasih foto-fotonya yaaa ;)
Sebenernya baru akhir-akhir ini suka sama Sungha Jung.. Maklumlah saya orangnya gak uptodate -____-
Nah ini aku kasih videonya yaa....
Tau lagunya kan? Ini yang versi piano itu looooh... gothca!! River Flows in You dari Yiruma..
Si Sungha juga ngcover versi pianonya looh.. Nih aku kasih videonyaaaa
Gimana? Keren kaaaaaaaan?
Dia juga ngecover lagu Taylor Swift - Love Story, 2NE1 - Lonely, Big Bang - Haru Haru, Adele - Someone Like You, dan masih banyaaaaak lagi... Kalo mau liat videonya cari aja di youtube..
Kalo gak di websitenya aja http://www.sunghajung.com
Profil Sungha Jung
Seongha Jeong (정성하) (bahasa sehari-hari: Sungha Jung) (lahir 2 September 1996) *cuma beda 7bulan sama gueeeeeeeee * adalah gitaris ajaib Korea Selatan yang telah meningkat menjadi ketenaran di YouTube dan situs lainnya, terutama melalui penonton Korea Selatan.Seongha biasanya memakan waktu tiga hari untuk belajar dan berlatih lagu baru, dan video-rekam untuk meng-upload ke YouTube. pemilihan genre nya agak luas, saat ia belajar dan memainkan banyak lagu yang dimainkan pada gitar, sehingga akibatnya tersebar di berbagai genre.
Seongha telah memenangkan 13 penghargaan di YouTube, termasuk 6 "# 1" penghargaan. Juga di YouTube, Seongha memiliki 38 video dengan lebih dari satu juta tampilan. Video Seongha dengan pandangan yang paling adalah "Pirates Of The Caribbean", di 13018898 dilihat sebagai tanggal 8 Januari 2010.
1st Perfect Blue
2nd Irony
About Sungha:
Sungha mulai bermain gitar pada tahun 2006. Sungha tidak mengambil pelajaran mengenai gitar tapi dia mempelajarinya dari melihat video musik tanpa melirik lembaran musik dari awal (kurang keren apalagi coba?). Ayahnya mengejarinya beberapa kali tapi Sungha begitu cepat mempelajarinya dan lama kelamaan dia belajar bermain gitar sendiri.Orang Tua Sungha bukan musisi, ayahnya hanya pegawai di salah satu perusahaan Korea dan bermain gitar hanyalah sebuah hobi bagi ayah Sungha. Pada tahun 2007 Sungha mengambil pelajaran bermain gitar klasik selama 50 jam atau sekitar 1 1/2 hari. Baru-baru ini dia belajar bermain drum selama 4 bulan dan piano jazz selama 3 bulan (ini gue mlongo loh bacanya-__-).
Karena Sungha Jung adalah siswa sekolah seperti saya jadi dia tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk latihan bermain gitar, biasanya dia latihan selama 2 jam per hari.
Orang tua Sungha Jung tak pernah memaksa anaknya untuk bermain gitar, karena bermain gitar membuat Sungha jadi enjoy tentu saja orang tuanya tidak memaksa Sungha. Ayah Sungha hanya merekam Sungha ketika dia sedang bermain gitar.
Kebanyakan Sungha Jung bermain gitar tanpa melihat lembaran musik dan hanya melihat dari video. Ia kadang-kadang melihat lembaran musik jika ada, namun sekitar 90% dari video yang diupload telah dimainkannya tanpa melihat lembaran musik (Spektakular banget kan? Kalo kata anak X3 mah AMAZING huahahaha).
Yang paling buat aku nganga, dia pernah bilang gini
“Hi, I’m Sungha Jung from South Korea. My dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist. Currently, I am taking weekly classical guitar lessons and teaching myself fingerstyle guitar. I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos. I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet."KEREN GEWLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... Dia belajar otodidak meeeeeeeen!!!!! Otodidak aja udah sekeren itu, gimana lebih? Nah ini aku kasih foto-fotonya yaaa ;)
Segitu dulu ya pikunyaaaa...
Nah mulai sekarang aku menobatkan diri sebagai pacar dari Sungha Jung *nah loh* wkwkwk
pislopgawl *kaburrrr*
segitu dulu ya postnyaaaaa, LUVU bebeeeeeeeeeh :33
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
halo hai ohayou annyeong *lambai2 ala missyunipers*
Gue baru bikin twitter baru loh , dan uname nya.... hmm... sedikit erotis ._.v
buka aja (this)
unamenya gelo kan? ini aliansi dari si sarah .
gue jadi anggota geng nero gitu sama sarah, kak dwi, kak yanti....
uname nya gila bgt.
gue = VImontok
sarah= TOPbohai
kak yanti = TOPsemok
kak dwi = YBsemlohay .
it's enough yaaa. kalo bisa twitterku difollow~~~
Gue baru bikin twitter baru loh , dan uname nya.... hmm... sedikit erotis ._.v
buka aja (this)
unamenya gelo kan? ini aliansi dari si sarah .
gue jadi anggota geng nero gitu sama sarah, kak dwi, kak yanti....
uname nya gila bgt.
gue = VImontok
sarah= TOPbohai
kak yanti = TOPsemok
kak dwi = YBsemlohay .
it's enough yaaa. kalo bisa twitterku difollow~~~
Kulakukan Semua Untukmu
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
Hanya denganmu aku berbagi
Hanya dirimu paling mengerti
Kegelisahan dalam hatiku
Yang selama ini tak menentu
Tak ada ragu dalam hatiku
Pastikan aku jadi cintamu
Seiring waktu yang tlah berlalu
Mungkin kau yang terakhir untukku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Pegang tanganku, genggam jariku
Rasakan semua hangat diriku
Mengalir tulus untuk cintamu
Tak ada yang lain di hatiku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Inilah cintaku kuberikan untukmu
Setulus hatiku kuberikan untukmu
(Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku)
Akan kulakukan untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
(Akan kulakukan untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku)
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahami
Dalam menyayangi dan memahami
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Dan memahamiku
lagunya sosweetbgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :') coba dia mau nyanyi buat akuuuuu~
Hanya dirimu paling mengerti
Kegelisahan dalam hatiku
Yang selama ini tak menentu
Tak ada ragu dalam hatiku
Pastikan aku jadi cintamu
Seiring waktu yang tlah berlalu
Mungkin kau yang terakhir untukku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Pegang tanganku, genggam jariku
Rasakan semua hangat diriku
Mengalir tulus untuk cintamu
Tak ada yang lain di hatiku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Inilah cintaku kuberikan untukmu
Setulus hatiku kuberikan untukmu
(Akan kulakukan semua untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku)
Akan kulakukan untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
(Akan kulakukan untukmu
Akan kuberikan seluruh cintaku)
Janganlah engkau berubah
Dalam menyayangi dan memahami
Dalam menyayangi dan memahami
Dalam menyayangi dan memahamiku
Dan memahamiku
lagunya sosweetbgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :') coba dia mau nyanyi buat akuuuuu~
On Rainy Days
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Senin, 19 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
When the world turns dark
And the rain quietly falls
Everything is still
Even today, without a doubt
I can’t get out of it
I can’t get out from the thoughts of you
I know that it’s the end
I know that it’s all just foolishness
Now I know that it’s not true
[HS] I am just disappointed in myself for
Not being able to get a hold of you because of that pride
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
I must be drunk, I think I need to stop drinking
Since the rain is falling, I think I might fall as well
Well this doesn’t mean that I miss you, no it doesn’t mean that
It just means that the time we had together was a bit sharp
When it’s the type of day that you really liked
I keep opening the raw memories of you
Making the excuse that it’s all memories, I take a step forward
I don’t even make the effort to escape
I erased all of you
I emptied out all of you
But when the rain falls again
All the memories of you I hid with effort
It all comes back, it must be looking for you
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
(To you)Now there is no path for me to return
But looking at your happy face
I will still try to laugh since I was the one
Without the strength to stop you
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
What can I do about something that already ended?
I’m just regretting after like the stupid fool I am
Rain always falls so it will repeat again
When it stops, that’s when I will stop as well
Rain always falls so it will repeat again
When it stops, that’s when I will stop as well
And the rain quietly falls
Everything is still
Even today, without a doubt
I can’t get out of it
I can’t get out from the thoughts of you
I know that it’s the end
I know that it’s all just foolishness
Now I know that it’s not true
[HS] I am just disappointed in myself for
Not being able to get a hold of you because of that pride
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
I must be drunk, I think I need to stop drinking
Since the rain is falling, I think I might fall as well
Well this doesn’t mean that I miss you, no it doesn’t mean that
It just means that the time we had together was a bit sharp
When it’s the type of day that you really liked
I keep opening the raw memories of you
Making the excuse that it’s all memories, I take a step forward
I don’t even make the effort to escape
I erased all of you
I emptied out all of you
But when the rain falls again
All the memories of you I hid with effort
It all comes back, it must be looking for you
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
(To you)Now there is no path for me to return
But looking at your happy face
I will still try to laugh since I was the one
Without the strength to stop you
On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well
What can I do about something that already ended?
I’m just regretting after like the stupid fool I am
Rain always falls so it will repeat again
When it stops, that’s when I will stop as well
Rain always falls so it will repeat again
When it stops, that’s when I will stop as well
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
Hai.. Lemme introduce my self. Nama saya AYA AGUNG MAULIA. Lahir di Cirebon 18 April 1997. Duduk dikelas 10. Murid 10.3 SMA Islam Al Azhar 5 Cirebon. Kumpulan Orang-Orang Sepuluh Tiga (KOST).
Seorang YGSTAN INDONESIA. Meski belum terdaftar secara sah. Penulis gadungan, spammer sejati, pecinta hitam, putih, merah, pecinta hujan, pembenci kucing, penyuka musik, pengagum cerpen-cerpen dari anindhiya agustianing putri ;;) Sedang jatuh cinta dengan seorang laki-aki arab bernama Raden :p
an official of aya maulia:
tumblr: AYA'S TUMBLR
twitter: AYA'S TWITTER
facebook: AYA'S FACEBOOK
blog: AYA'S 1st BLOG
Seorang YGSTAN INDONESIA. Meski belum terdaftar secara sah. Penulis gadungan, spammer sejati, pecinta hitam, putih, merah, pecinta hujan, pembenci kucing, penyuka musik, pengagum cerpen-cerpen dari anindhiya agustianing putri ;;) Sedang jatuh cinta dengan seorang laki-aki arab bernama Raden :p
an official of aya maulia:
tumblr: AYA'S TUMBLR
twitter: AYA'S TWITTER
facebook: AYA'S FACEBOOK
blog: AYA'S 1st BLOG
You Wouldn't Answer My Call
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
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Even though I know you how much how much you hate it, I can’t do anything but this
In front of your door, just idly waiting
Even though I’m so miserable, it’s better than losing you
I can’t lose you, so I stay near you, in front of your door waiting
You who won’t answer my calls anymore, you who doesn’t want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there’s already no use
Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can’t see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry
Looking at my phone ten times a day, even jumping at the slight sound
To find out if you had sent me a text message
At first, at first, I thought like normal fights you would come back
Because you’re such a nice girl you wouldn’t be so cruel to leave me
You who won’t answer my calls anymore, you who doesn’t want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there’s already no use
Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can’t see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry
In front of your door, just idly waiting
Even though I’m so miserable, it’s better than losing you
I can’t lose you, so I stay near you, in front of your door waiting
You who won’t answer my calls anymore, you who doesn’t want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there’s already no use
Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can’t see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry
Looking at my phone ten times a day, even jumping at the slight sound
To find out if you had sent me a text message
At first, at first, I thought like normal fights you would come back
Because you’re such a nice girl you wouldn’t be so cruel to leave me
You who won’t answer my calls anymore, you who doesn’t want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there’s already no use
Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can’t see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry
Can't Let You Go Even If I Die
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
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Even though I’m young, the pain is the same
Just because I don’t know the world very well
Doesn’t mean that I don’t know pain
Why do you lie, saying it’ll be okay?
How will my heart that hurts this much
Be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That’s why I
Can’t let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
No matter how much you push me away
I’ll hold onto you until the end
So that you won’t be able to go anywhere
If you’re really going to leave, then lie
That we should meet again tomorrow
That we should meet as we smile
If breaking up wasn’t a joke, then I
Can’t let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
We went through so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can’t do that, I can’t
I can’t let you go, even if I die
I really can’t let you go
How am I suppose to let you go?
I can’t let you go
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
Just because I don’t know the world very well
Doesn’t mean that I don’t know pain
Why do you lie, saying it’ll be okay?
How will my heart that hurts this much
Be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That’s why I
Can’t let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
No matter how much you push me away
I’ll hold onto you until the end
So that you won’t be able to go anywhere
If you’re really going to leave, then lie
That we should meet again tomorrow
That we should meet as we smile
If breaking up wasn’t a joke, then I
Can’t let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
We went through so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can’t do that, I can’t
I can’t let you go, even if I die
I really can’t let you go
How am I suppose to let you go?
I can’t let you go
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can’t fix it so that I won’t be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn’t be able to live anyway
I can’t let you go, even if I die
Love Revolution
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
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Something like in the sky
Uh... I can't define
But certain thang in my heart, you know I can realize
Like fairy tale I heard
Precious thing in my hood
Tell me how you feel, what what? uh same I do
Something like a toy I got
Yeah, I can remind
My love is shining in my heart, it is so clear and mind
Like fairy tale I heard
Precious things in my hood
Tell me how you feel, what what?
I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light, Forever
Holdin' my pillow tight
Oh girl, I can smile
You are the part of my place, I don't tell you a lie
You're every breath I take
You're every step I make
It's not a fake thang my love, oh let me remind you
I'm feeling it inside
The heaven in the sky
You are the part of my life, girl it's not a lie
Rolling down to my bed
Gather and through my head
It's not a fake thang my love
I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light
I don't wanna make your love an illusion
I believe in you, don't tell me lies
I don't wanna make your love an illusion
Baby girl, your love is so true
I don't wanna let you go
(One, two, three, four) I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (Tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light... Its' right
Uh... I can't define
But certain thang in my heart, you know I can realize
Like fairy tale I heard
Precious thing in my hood
Tell me how you feel, what what? uh same I do
Something like a toy I got
Yeah, I can remind
My love is shining in my heart, it is so clear and mind
Like fairy tale I heard
Precious things in my hood
Tell me how you feel, what what?
I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light, Forever
Holdin' my pillow tight
Oh girl, I can smile
You are the part of my place, I don't tell you a lie
You're every breath I take
You're every step I make
It's not a fake thang my love, oh let me remind you
I'm feeling it inside
The heaven in the sky
You are the part of my life, girl it's not a lie
Rolling down to my bed
Gather and through my head
It's not a fake thang my love
I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light
I don't wanna make your love an illusion
I believe in you, don't tell me lies
I don't wanna make your love an illusion
Baby girl, your love is so true
I don't wanna let you go
(One, two, three, four) I want you in my life (in the castle, in the air)
I want you kiss me everyday (I take your hand, my dear)
I want you in my life (I don't want you fly away)
I want you smiling at me everyday (You're my dreaming days)
If your love won't stay with me forever
I'll be loving you, whenever
You in my life (Tell me everything's alright)
I wanna be your shining light... Its' right
The Fact
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
It’s a lie, it’s a lie
We can’t end like this
Come back to me again, please come back to me
I can’t believe the fact that you are leaving me
No matter what I say to you right now,
It’s going to have no effect whatsoever
This isn’t right, this isn’t right
I can’t trust this fact
This is all a lie, not the truth
I can’t believe it any longer
I will tell you many times to come back to me
This is all just a lie
Now you are no longer next to me
That is the truth, I don’t want to believe it
Come back to me, even if I say this many times
All of this just has to be a lie right now
It’s a lie. It’s a lie. It’s a lie. It’s a lie
This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth.
It’s a fact
My mind knows, but my heart says that it can’t get accustommed to it
The urge to protect you comes to me without me knowing, it also seems like my clinging
This situattion that fell on top of my head randomly
I can no longer handle it
If I can’t empty you, I will try to fill it up again
I will rewrite the story of you and I
We can’t end like this
Come back to me again, please come back to me
I can’t believe the fact that you are leaving me
No matter what I say to you right now,
It’s going to have no effect whatsoever
This isn’t right, this isn’t right
I can’t trust this fact
This is all a lie, not the truth
I can’t believe it any longer
I will tell you many times to come back to me
This is all just a lie
Now you are no longer next to me
That is the truth, I don’t want to believe it
Come back to me, even if I say this many times
All of this just has to be a lie right now
It’s a lie. It’s a lie. It’s a lie. It’s a lie
This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth. This isn’t the truth.
It’s a fact
My mind knows, but my heart says that it can’t get accustommed to it
The urge to protect you comes to me without me knowing, it also seems like my clinging
This situattion that fell on top of my head randomly
I can no longer handle it
If I can’t empty you, I will try to fill it up again
I will rewrite the story of you and I
Go Away
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
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You’re so cheap and this isn’t like you
I can’t get used to it now, It makes me dizzy, why
Who’s breaking up with who
You’re breaking up with me
Think it over before you say it, yeah
A guy that used to follow me around, a very decent guy
I let everything go for you alone
Who’s breaking up with who
You’re breaking up with me
Try living without me, yeah
Tonight of all times, why is it raining again
It makes me look so pitiful
Don’t try to console me
Move this hand, we’re strangers now
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
Just say what you gotta say
How can you be uncool to the very end?
Fiancé? Beyonce
I’m walkin’ out of destiny
Not pitifully alone, but a glamorous solo
That’s my way
I gave it my all, so I don’t have regrets
Pretending like you’re more sad
Pretending you’re cool to the end
All you do is act a fool
You ain’t shit without your crew
I don’t have time, I gotta go
So long, good bye, adios
I don’t want to see your ugly face again no more
Tonight of all times, why is it raining again
It makes me look so pitiful
Don’t try to console me
Move this hand, we’re strangers now
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
Go go away
Go away
Go away
Go away
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
I can’t get used to it now, It makes me dizzy, why
Who’s breaking up with who
You’re breaking up with me
Think it over before you say it, yeah
A guy that used to follow me around, a very decent guy
I let everything go for you alone
Who’s breaking up with who
You’re breaking up with me
Try living without me, yeah
Tonight of all times, why is it raining again
It makes me look so pitiful
Don’t try to console me
Move this hand, we’re strangers now
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
Just say what you gotta say
How can you be uncool to the very end?
Fiancé? Beyonce
I’m walkin’ out of destiny
Not pitifully alone, but a glamorous solo
That’s my way
I gave it my all, so I don’t have regrets
Pretending like you’re more sad
Pretending you’re cool to the end
All you do is act a fool
You ain’t shit without your crew
I don’t have time, I gotta go
So long, good bye, adios
I don’t want to see your ugly face again no more
Tonight of all times, why is it raining again
It makes me look so pitiful
Don’t try to console me
Move this hand, we’re strangers now
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
Go go away
Go away
Go away
Go away
Don’t worry about me and go away
I’ll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I’d hang onto you
It’s disgusting, don’t misunderstand
I’ll meet someone so much better
I’ll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of a killer
This body is second to no one
You’re following behind me but
I’m only running forward
I jump on top of the table you’re sitting at
I don’t care
If you touch me you won’t be able to handle it
I’m hot hot hot hot fire
Before I flip something over
Please can someone stop me
I open my closet and
Put on the freshest outfit
The reflection of my face in the mirror
I carefully check it over
Right now it’s 8
I’m supposed to meet up at 8:30
Tonight I set out with bold steps
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of fabulous
Even if you were me, you’d be envious of this body
Guys are turning around to look at me
Girls are following me
Being looked down on in the spot
I’m sitting at, every day is tiring
Pretending to be an athlete, this snobby
Clumsy Playa
Like you’re a flat tire
I’ll dump you good for people to see
I refuse to be compared
I’m telling you the truth
If we’re talking about my value, I’m a
Billion dollar baby
People who know a thing or two
They all know it so ask them
Grab anyone and ask them
Who is the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (BEAT!)
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of a killer
This body is second to no one
You’re following behind me but
I’m only running forward
I jump on top of the table you’re sitting at
I don’t care
If you touch me you won’t be able to handle it
I’m hot hot hot hot fire
Before I flip something over
Please can someone stop me
I open my closet and
Put on the freshest outfit
The reflection of my face in the mirror
I carefully check it over
Right now it’s 8
I’m supposed to meet up at 8:30
Tonight I set out with bold steps
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of fabulous
Even if you were me, you’d be envious of this body
Guys are turning around to look at me
Girls are following me
Being looked down on in the spot
I’m sitting at, every day is tiring
Pretending to be an athlete, this snobby
Clumsy Playa
Like you’re a flat tire
I’ll dump you good for people to see
I refuse to be compared
I’m telling you the truth
If we’re talking about my value, I’m a
Billion dollar baby
People who know a thing or two
They all know it so ask them
Grab anyone and ask them
Who is the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
I’m trying to smile brightly but
I don’t like it
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
I’m trying to sing but
No one is listening
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
Why am I this ugly
What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?
I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect
I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror
Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now
I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape
This world is full of lies
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you
Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you
The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me
Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out
This world is full of lies
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
All alone
I’m all alone x 2
There is no such thing as warmth
There is no one by my side
All alone
I’m all alone x 2
I’m always alone
There’s no such thing as warmth
Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be prety
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
I don’t like it
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
I’m trying to sing but
No one is listening
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2
Why am I this ugly
What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?
I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect
I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror
Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now
I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape
This world is full of lies
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you
Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you
The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me
Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out
This world is full of lies
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
All alone
I’m all alone x 2
There is no such thing as warmth
There is no one by my side
All alone
I’m all alone x 2
I’m always alone
There’s no such thing as warmth
Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be prety
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
The words I’m saying right now, I don’t know if they’ll hurt you
They’ll probably make you hate me forever
You, saying that I’m not the same as I used to be, is not completely untrue
This changed me is a stranger to myself as well
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now
Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m the strange one
It seems I’ve already been prepared long ago, for our breakup
I really wanted to treat you well, out of all the times, why is it when I’m confronted by love
I am shrinking away & am lonely endlessly
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now
Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Cuz I’m just another girl
This night is lonely, I
Can’t take any more, Good bye
Cuz I’m just another girl
I’m so lonely
Even though I’m by your side right now
Baby I’m so lonely
Lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely
They’ll probably make you hate me forever
You, saying that I’m not the same as I used to be, is not completely untrue
This changed me is a stranger to myself as well
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now
Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m the strange one
It seems I’ve already been prepared long ago, for our breakup
I really wanted to treat you well, out of all the times, why is it when I’m confronted by love
I am shrinking away & am lonely endlessly
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now
Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Cuz I’m just another girl
This night is lonely, I
Can’t take any more, Good bye
Cuz I’m just another girl
I’m so lonely
Even though I’m by your side right now
Baby I’m so lonely
Lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely
Picture Of You
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
After the after glow sets,
i'm going towards you,
following the lights which turn on one by one
I'll embrace you,
before the cold wind makes your shoulders flinch
I love you,
the foolish you,
you're so precious to me
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
all the dreams i've prayed for,
they're going towards you with my sincere scent
I hope that my wishes of smiling next to you every new morning,
will be able to come true
I'll wait for you,
i'll never let go of your hands,
even if it's only tears,
i'll wipe them away for you
Although we are not able to see the end,
no matter how bumpy our road is,
i'll promise you, please be mine
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
all the dreams i've prayed for,
they're going towards you with my sincere scent,
more than the air i breathe,
'i love you' 'you're the only one',
i want to yell those words out into the sky
i love you, my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you
No matter how many times they find us,
no matter if we can't breathe,
Like those invisible flower-like smiles,
which shine just like the stars,
i'll keep you safe beautifully
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
i love you, i love you,
you're the most beautiful in this world,
this dream-like heart,
i'm going towards you,
following the lights which turn on one by one
I'll embrace you,
before the cold wind makes your shoulders flinch
I love you,
the foolish you,
you're so precious to me
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
all the dreams i've prayed for,
they're going towards you with my sincere scent
I hope that my wishes of smiling next to you every new morning,
will be able to come true
I'll wait for you,
i'll never let go of your hands,
even if it's only tears,
i'll wipe them away for you
Although we are not able to see the end,
no matter how bumpy our road is,
i'll promise you, please be mine
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
all the dreams i've prayed for,
they're going towards you with my sincere scent,
more than the air i breathe,
'i love you' 'you're the only one',
i want to yell those words out into the sky
i love you, my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you
No matter how many times they find us,
no matter if we can't breathe,
Like those invisible flower-like smiles,
which shine just like the stars,
i'll keep you safe beautifully
As much as the sun that rises above you,
i'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
i love you, i love you,
you're the most beautiful in this world,
this dream-like heart,
Day By Day
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
Yeah, Finally I realize that I am nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me
Ah ah ah ah~
My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
(say goodbye)
Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on (longer) than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless
What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Don't look back and leave
Don't find me again and live (on)
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye...
If we pass by each other on the street
Act like you didn't see me and go the way you were walking to
If you keep thinking about our past memories
I might go look for you secretly
Always be happy with him, (so) I won't ever get a different mind
Even smallest regret won't be left out ever
Please live well as if I should feel jealous
You should always be like that bright sky, like that white cloud
Yes, you should always smile like that as if nothing happened
I hope your heart fees relieved
Please forget about me and live (on)
Those tears will dry completely
As time passes by
It would've hurt less if we didn't meet at all (mm)
Hope you will bury our promise of being together forever baby
I pray for you
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh my love don't lie, lie
You're my heart, say goodbye
I was so wrong, forgive me
Ah ah ah ah~
My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
(say goodbye)
Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on (longer) than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless
What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Don't look back and leave
Don't find me again and live (on)
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye...
If we pass by each other on the street
Act like you didn't see me and go the way you were walking to
If you keep thinking about our past memories
I might go look for you secretly
Always be happy with him, (so) I won't ever get a different mind
Even smallest regret won't be left out ever
Please live well as if I should feel jealous
You should always be like that bright sky, like that white cloud
Yes, you should always smile like that as if nothing happened
I hope your heart fees relieved
Please forget about me and live (on)
Those tears will dry completely
As time passes by
It would've hurt less if we didn't meet at all (mm)
Hope you will bury our promise of being together forever baby
I pray for you
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh my love don't lie, lie
You're my heart, say goodbye
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
If you follow me you’ll know, i promise
I will show you, in a fantasy like fairytale (come here girl)
Everyday, tomorrows like today
Money love fashion fame, and all that’s in between
Nights without sleep, throughout this night
Tell the dj turn it up up up and da-da-dance a little more
More nights, through more nights
Money love fashion fame, and all that’s in between
(oh you) i will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
Come on, come on, don’t hesitate and grab my hand
Through the forest of buildings in the sky, i will fly
Everything you believe is reality
Scattered beneath your feet are hundreds of millions of stars
Nights without sleep, throughout this night
Tell the dj turn it up up up and da-da-dance a little more
More nights, through more nights
You will be a girl forever, girl and we stay forever young
(oh you) i will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
When you first open your eyes you won’t believe it
It’s only i will say by your side
Nobody will nag at you, yeah.
Just do it all my way.
You, me and the dj dancing till the break of dawn
No, no, never gonna stop now. Turn it up, let’s party on.
I will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
I will show you, in a fantasy like fairytale (come here girl)
Everyday, tomorrows like today
Money love fashion fame, and all that’s in between
Nights without sleep, throughout this night
Tell the dj turn it up up up and da-da-dance a little more
More nights, through more nights
Money love fashion fame, and all that’s in between
(oh you) i will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
Come on, come on, don’t hesitate and grab my hand
Through the forest of buildings in the sky, i will fly
Everything you believe is reality
Scattered beneath your feet are hundreds of millions of stars
Nights without sleep, throughout this night
Tell the dj turn it up up up and da-da-dance a little more
More nights, through more nights
You will be a girl forever, girl and we stay forever young
(oh you) i will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
When you first open your eyes you won’t believe it
It’s only i will say by your side
Nobody will nag at you, yeah.
Just do it all my way.
You, me and the dj dancing till the break of dawn
No, no, never gonna stop now. Turn it up, let’s party on.
I will only go with you (a fantasy that isn’t far away)
To this word full of imagination
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
Without an end, never end, this is neverland
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
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I still can’t forget you
I still can’t trust everything
Even today I can’t send you away like this
I will rewrite it again, our story will not end
I will bury fact that reality is seeping into my skin for now
I rewrite it once again, the start beginning with you and I smiling happily
In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit
I kiss you as if there is nothing wrong
I can’t leave your sweet presence
There is no such thing as an end for us
Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t forget you (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
Right now, there are only happy stores here
The very happy stories of just the two of us (Different from reality)
Is written here, it’s slowly filling up
I run towards you and embrace you
I can’t never let you go from my embrace
There is no such thing as an end for us
Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t end it (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
I will say this again, one more time
Right now you are next to me
I’m believing like that
(But Fiction)
I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it
(My own Fiction)
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
(Everything is Fiction) Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears (Everything is Fiction)
This story can’t be happy or sad
Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish still
I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
I still can’t trust everything
Even today I can’t send you away like this
I will rewrite it again, our story will not end
I will bury fact that reality is seeping into my skin for now
I rewrite it once again, the start beginning with you and I smiling happily
In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit
I kiss you as if there is nothing wrong
I can’t leave your sweet presence
There is no such thing as an end for us
Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t forget you (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
Right now, there are only happy stores here
The very happy stories of just the two of us (Different from reality)
Is written here, it’s slowly filling up
I run towards you and embrace you
I can’t never let you go from my embrace
There is no such thing as an end for us
Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t end it (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
I will say this again, one more time
Right now you are next to me
I’m believing like that
(But Fiction)
I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it
(My own Fiction)
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
(Everything is Fiction) Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears (Everything is Fiction)
This story can’t be happy or sad
Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish still
I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
Comments: (0)
Yo listen up, this is my tragic story, just to break into my heart (check it)
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
The view of your back, leaving me on this rainy road
Because I couldn't do anything again,
I regret it again everyday. I'm sorry,
I pray, I want you to be back.
I can't. I can't stand it. I cannot stand a day without you.
My tears are falling again.
Will I be able to forget you ? When will I be like that till ?
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
Oh tonight again, tonight again, her
I keep thinking of you at night, I cannot sleep
Why did I turn on this love show
The distance between us has increased
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight ? Why were we like that ?
Did you lose the sight ? We used to be in love.
Why am I stuck in this moment ? The one I need is you, silly.
ou, drooping your shoulders
You, taking a rest on the ground
You, hitting your chest in frustration
You, praying to the heavens with your hands clasped
I think of you getting up. Let's forget and erase all our bad memories.
(I'm sorry) How would you ? I cannot say anything besides 'I'm sorry'.
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
(Kevin) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
Oh tonight again, tonight again, her
You and I, don't cut our cord.
Don't deny our r²π
Come to me, everything is fine now.
We will start everything over, over again.
I cannot sleep at all at night
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
The view of your back, leaving me on this rainy road
Because I couldn't do anything again,
I regret it again everyday. I'm sorry,
I pray, I want you to be back.
I can't. I can't stand it. I cannot stand a day without you.
My tears are falling again.
Will I be able to forget you ? When will I be like that till ?
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
Oh tonight again, tonight again, her
I keep thinking of you at night, I cannot sleep
Why did I turn on this love show
The distance between us has increased
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight ? Why were we like that ?
Did you lose the sight ? We used to be in love.
Why am I stuck in this moment ? The one I need is you, silly.
ou, drooping your shoulders
You, taking a rest on the ground
You, hitting your chest in frustration
You, praying to the heavens with your hands clasped
I think of you getting up. Let's forget and erase all our bad memories.
(I'm sorry) How would you ? I cannot say anything besides 'I'm sorry'.
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
(Kevin) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
Oh tonight again, tonight again, her
You and I, don't cut our cord.
Don't deny our r²π
Come to me, everything is fine now.
We will start everything over, over again.
I cannot sleep at all at night
I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
I cannot sleep at all at night
The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
And I cannot sleep at all at night
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
selasa tadi. gue liat dia lagi ngobrol sama anak X4 cewe inisial D. njir itu nyeseknya pake bangeeeeeeet :"
rabu nya, pas abis istirahat gitu gue ketemu dia lagi dan kali ini dia sama si D itu ketawa bareng DIHADAPAN GUEEEEEE!! bisa bayangin segimana remuk nya hati gue? gue BH (Broken Heart)!!!!!!!
pengen banget ngelupain dia, tapi terlalu sulit.
Gue cuma gak mau jatuh cinta sama orang yang udah punya pacar. itu doang kok.
Semakin gue ngelupain dia, semakin gue cinta sama dia. AAAAAAAAAAA INI RANDOM BANGET!!!!
rabu nya, pas abis istirahat gitu gue ketemu dia lagi dan kali ini dia sama si D itu ketawa bareng DIHADAPAN GUEEEEEE!! bisa bayangin segimana remuk nya hati gue? gue BH (Broken Heart)!!!!!!!
pengen banget ngelupain dia, tapi terlalu sulit.
Gue cuma gak mau jatuh cinta sama orang yang udah punya pacar. itu doang kok.
Semakin gue ngelupain dia, semakin gue cinta sama dia. AAAAAAAAAAA INI RANDOM BANGET!!!!
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Senin, 05 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
Maygatttt, gue keinget kata-kata Intan mulu nih...
awalnya gini, gue ragu apa kakak kelas yang gue suka itu perokok/bukan.
nah gue tanya tuh ke intan, gini percakapannya..
Gue: Tan, kamu tau kakak arab kan? Menurut kamu dia perokok gak?
Intan: Iya *nada kepastian*
Gue: Bisanya tau?
Intan: dia itu anak nakal lah, pas duduk disamping dia aja saya dijailin.
Gue: pas kapan?
Intan: Pas dimasjid..
Gue: kenapa sih lo kayaknya ga suka banget gue suka sama kakak arab?
Intan: Bukan nya gak suka, saya cuma ngasih nasihat. Dia bukan anak bener-bener.
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, galau kan? galau ya? galau dong? ish -_-
gue baru sekai ini suka sama bad boy macam kakak itu, gue ga suka perokok tapi gue suka sama kakak kelas yang notabenya perokok. Karma macam apa ini :""""""""""""""""""""""""
awalnya gini, gue ragu apa kakak kelas yang gue suka itu perokok/bukan.
nah gue tanya tuh ke intan, gini percakapannya..
Gue: Tan, kamu tau kakak arab kan? Menurut kamu dia perokok gak?
Intan: Iya *nada kepastian*
Gue: Bisanya tau?
Intan: dia itu anak nakal lah, pas duduk disamping dia aja saya dijailin.
Gue: pas kapan?
Intan: Pas dimasjid..
Gue: kenapa sih lo kayaknya ga suka banget gue suka sama kakak arab?
Intan: Bukan nya gak suka, saya cuma ngasih nasihat. Dia bukan anak bener-bener.
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, galau kan? galau ya? galau dong? ish -_-
gue baru sekai ini suka sama bad boy macam kakak itu, gue ga suka perokok tapi gue suka sama kakak kelas yang notabenya perokok. Karma macam apa ini :""""""""""""""""""""""""
Diposting oleh
Aya Agung Maulia
on Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
Comments: (0)
Halo cemand cemand seperjuangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan -_-
here i am with my 2nd blog, blog pertama udah ancur bangetbangetan jadinya males ngeposttttttttttttt.....
udah deh gitu aja :"
here i am with my 2nd blog, blog pertama udah ancur bangetbangetan jadinya males ngeposttttttttttttt.....
udah deh gitu aja :"